Research Interests |
Quantum machine learning, quantum data compression, and tensor networks.
Publications |
G. Bai, Y.D. Wu, Y. Zhu, M. Hayashi, and G. Chiribella
Efficient algorithms for causal order discovery in quantum networks arXiv preprint, arXiv: 2012.01731 Y.D. Wu, G. Bai, G. Chiribella, and N. Liu Efficient verification of continuous-variable quantum states and devices without assuming identical and independent preparation Physical Review Letters 126.24: 240503 (2021) G. Bai, Y. Yang, and G. Chiribella Quantum compression of tensor network states New Journal of Physics 22 043015 (2020) G. Bai and G. Chiribella Test one to test many: a unified approach to quantum benchmarks Physical Review Letters 120.15: 150502. Editors' Suggestion (2018) Y. Yang, G. Bai, G. Chiribella, and M. Hayashi Compression for quantum population coding IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2018) X. Yuan, G. Bai, T. Peng, and X. Ma. Quantum uncertainty relation using coherence Physical Review A 96.3: 032313 (2017) G. Bai, I. Damgård, C. Orlandi, and Y. Xia Non-interactive verifiable secret sharing for monotone circuits International Conference on Cryptology in Africa. Springer International Publishing, 2016 G. Bai, H. Mou, Y. Hou, Y. Lyu, and W. Yang Android power management and analyses of power consumption in an Android smartphone 2013 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing. IEEE, 2013 |
Awards |
Academic Excellence Scholarship (Baidu scholarship) 2014: Mathematical Contest in Modeling, meritorious winner 2010: Silver Award, National Olympiad in informatics |
CV |
My CV can be found here.